Monday, January 27, 2020

Changing Concepts Of Amphibious Operations Management Essay

Changing Concepts Of Amphibious Operations Management Essay Amphibious flexibility is the greatest strategic asset that a sea power possesses. -B.H. Liddell Hart Deterrence or Defence, 1960 INTRODUCTION Amphibious operations are operations launched from the sea onto the land by naval and landing forces. It uses naval firepower, logistics and strategy to project military power ashore. In the present day, amphibious warfare is the most complex of all military manoeuvres. The undertaking requires an intricate coordination of numerous military specialties, including air power, naval gunfire, naval transport, logistical planning, specialised equipment, land warfare, tactics, and extensive training in the nuances of this manoeuvre for all personnel involved  [1]  . The National Defence Strategy 2008 (NDS) of the United States projects that over the next twenty years,, population, resources, and environmental changes combined with social and geopolitical changes would create instability and uncertainty  [2]  . The situation calls for a change in military capabilities and capacities commensurate to the requirement along with institutional agility and flexibility to plan early and respond effectively along with other services and international partners. The Worlds population will, by 2025, would increase by more than 30 percent and be more heavily concentrated within the littorals. More than 60 percent of the Earths population will live in urban areas in 2025  [3]  . This portends a world dominated by complex urban littorals, where competition exists for vital resources and at the same time a youthful population becomes increasingly disenfranchised. Concurrently, there will continue to be a blurring of what was previously thought to be distinct forms of war or conflict. Mass communications will highlight the drama of human suffering, and disadvantaged populations will be ever more painfully aware and less tolerant of their conditions. Extremist ideologies will become increasingly attractive to those in despair and bereft of opportunity. Criminal elements will also exploit this social instability  [4]  . Diminishing overseas access is another challenge anticipated in the future operating environment. Countries may be hesitant to grant access for a variety of reasons. Diminished access will complicate the maintenance of forward presence, necessitating new approaches to responding quickly to developments around the world  [5]  . All of these challenges illustrate the importance of being able to operate in littoral regions, this demand signals the applicability of amphibious forces for missions across the range of military operations. The range of operations extends from military engagement, security cooperation, and deterrence activities to crisis response and limited contingency operations, and if necessary, major operations and campaigns  [6]  . AIM The aim of this paper is to examine new concepts in Amphibious Operations taking place in the world to respond to the new world order and asymmetric threats in the 21st century. PRESENT DAY AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS Amphibious operations employ a landing force embarked in ships or craft to accomplish a number of assigned missions. These missions may be conducted in permissive, uncertain, or hostile environments across the range of military operations. A landing force is composed of Army forces task-organized to conduct amphibious operations, while an amphibious task force is composed of Navy forces task-organized for the same purpose. An amphibious force is a landing force and an amphibious task force put together  [7]  . Recent history, the strategic environment, and maritime strategy all imply that individual naval platforms, forward deployed and globally distributed, must be capable of more diverse, smaller-scale amphibious missions while retaining the ability to re-aggregate for larger-scale events. The following types of amphibious operations, are in vogue presently  [8]  :- Amphibious Engagement and Crisis Response. A type of amphibious operation which contributes to conflict prevention or crisis mitigation. These may include operations such as security cooperation, foreign humanitarian assistance, civil support, non combatant evacuations, peace operations, recovery operations, or disaster relief. Amphibious Raid. A type of amphibious operation involving a swift incursion into or a temporary occupation of an objective, followed by a planned withdrawal. Amphibious Assault. A type of amphibious operation that involves the establishment of a landing force on a hostile or potentially hostile shore. Amphibious Withdrawal. A type of amphibious operation involving the extraction of forces by sea in ships or craft from a hostile or potentially hostile shore. Amphibious Demonstration. A type of amphibious operation conducted for the purpose of deceiving the enemy by a show of force with the expectation of deluding the enemy into a course of action unfavorable to him. MODERN CONCEPTS IN AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS Operational Manoeuvre from The Sea (OMFTS) OMFTS is not merely a way of introducing an expeditionary force onto foreign soil but also of projecting expeditionary power directly against a centre of gravity or critical vulnerability  [9]  . OMFTS was developed by the US in response to the change in the global threat from the cold war to the chaos in the littorals. OMFTS enhances the naval expeditionary force by providing a task-organized, Sea Based, Operational Manoeuvre Element (OME) that can respond across the spectrum of conflict. Because expeditionary forces operate in international waters and are not restrained by global political pressures, the ability to respond quickly to a combatant commanders requirement is key when a quick response is necessary  [10]  . Concepts that help provide flexibility, protection and decisive impact to OMFTS are operational depth, mission depth, tempo, reach back, enabling force and exploitation force  [11]  . Operational Maneuver from the Sea links naval warfare and manoeuvre warfare. OMFTS uses critical components of warfare such as speed, mobility, fire support, communications, and navigation to exploit enemy weaknesses across the entire spectrum of conflict. OMFTS enables expeditionary forces to provide Army and Air Force flow when sustained operations are required. This can be as simple as creating the command and control architecture for the combatant commander to use or as complex as taking a forward air base for the flow of larger forces. An OMFTS capable task force can also act as an exploitation force when serving as an OME by attacking units or supply depots of enemy forces already engaged by other friendly forces.  [12]   The capture of Seoul in 1950 was a classic example of an Operational Manoeuvre from the Sea. It was a completely focused operation, unified under a single commander, that flowed coherently from San Diego, Sasebo, and Pusan, through an amphibious power projection at Inchon, to key objectives well inland. The Seoul operation was focused on a critical North Korean vulnerability, the lines of support (and withdrawal) through the Han River Valley at Seoul. It maintained that focus and with it an unmatched tempo of aggressive action. As a result, it was crushingly successful, leading to the destruction of the North Korean Army and the liberation of South Korea. If the operation had lost its focus, however, and been planned and executed as merely an amphibious lodgement at Inchon, it would have generated only an operationally insignificant tactical victory.  [13]   Use of the sea is the main difference in OMFTS from all other types of operational manoeuvre warfare. The sea ensures an avenue for friendly movement at the same time it acts as a barrier to the enemy and a means of avoiding disadvantageous engagements. OMFTS applies across the full spectrum of military operations, from Major Theater War (MTW) to Small Scale Contingencies (SSC) and applies manoeuvre warfare to expeditionary power projection in naval operations or as part of a joint or multinational campaign. OMFTS is not merely moving around the enemy but projecting power to the enemys Center of Gravity (COG) on our terms. By using a manoeuvrable naval power to launch an assault at the time and place we determine, the enemys weakness will be decisively exploited. OMFTS envisions making the beach transparent to amphibious warfare through STOM.  [14]   Ship to Objective Manoeuvre (STOM) OMFTS requires new tactical concepts for amphibious operations. Although the focus is on operational objectives ashore, the sea becomes essential manoeuvre space for the landing force. Successful execution of OMFTS demands that the landing force maintain the momentum gained by manoeuvre at sea. This is achieved by Ship-to-Objective Manoeuvre (STOM)  [15]  . STOM employs the concepts of manoeuvre warfare to project a combined arms force by air and surface means against inland objectives. It takes advantage of emerging trends in Command, Control, Communications, Computing, Intelligence and Information C4I2 Systems to land forces in their tactical array from the ships directly to the objective, replacing the cumbersome ship-to-shore movement of current amphibious warfare. True STOM is not aimed at establishing a beachhead, but at landing combat units ashore in their fighting formations, to a decisive place, and in sufficient strength to ensure mission accomplishment. The advantages of STOM over conventional amphibious operations are  [16]  :- STOM provides tactical as well as operational surprise, something seldom possible in past amphibious operations. Operations can begin over the horizon and project power deeper inland with more speed and flexibility than conventional amphibious operations. The enemy has to defend a vast area against seaborne mobility and deep power projection as compared to conventional beachhead. This will also force the enemy to thinly spread his defenses thus allowing friendly forces greater freedom of manoeuvre at sea and ashore. The gradient of shores and relative location of beaches with respect to the objective is rendered insignificant. Naval forces can take advantage of night and adverse weather conditions, as well as the ability to control the electromagnetic spectrum. These capabilities will enable exploitation of known enemy vulnerabilities, create opportunities, achieve tactical surprise, and result in mission accomplishment. Tenants of STOM. The key elements of STOM are  [17]  :- Operational objective. Focuses on the operational objective and provides increased flexibility to strike enemy critical vulnerabilities. Sea as Manoeuvre Space. The open sea can be a protective barrier or a freeway of supreme mobility. Movement of forces is faster on sea than on land. Outflanking of enemy defence forces can easily be achieved. Strength against Weakness. STOM applies strength against weakness and projects combat power through gaps located or created in the adversarys defenses. These gaps are not necessarily geographical; they may be exploitable weaknesses, such as limited night fighting capability, poor command and control, lack of endurance or low morale. Tempo. Air and surface units manoeuvre from ships to inland positions faster than the enemy can effectively react. The landing force maintains the initiative and operates at a pace that allows it to dictate the terms of engagement. Operational surprise delays enemy identification and disrupts his response. The enemy continues to face dilemmas and a tempo of operations that denies him control of the battle and keeps him off-balance and reactive. Integration. Integrates all elements in accomplishing the mission. Thus employing all available assets in support of ship-to-objective manoeuvre in order to maximize the effectiveness of the landing force. Successful implementation of the STOM concept requires improvements in mobility, command and control, intelligence, fires, sea-based logistics, organisation, doctrine, training, and education. STOM takes advantage of innovations in technology to enhance the capability of naval forces to conduct amphibious operations in the 21st Century. Ship-to- Objective Manoeuvre directly links manoeuvre at sea to manoeuvre on land by seamless manoeuvre from over the horizon directly against objectives deep inland. SEA BASING Sea basing represents a future capability with antecedents in amphibious operations. A seabase is a system of systems enabling personnel, material, fires, and command and control to come together rapidly, integrate, and be projected as a flexible force capable of undertaking a broad spectrum of over-the shore operations. Such operations could range from humanitarian relief, operations other than war, and conflict prevention to brigade sized or larger combat operations. Even larger operations could be enabled by the addition of more seabases or by the ability to flow additional forces through the seabase. A seabase may serve as an integration point for joint as well as coalition forces. Sea basing is more than simply traditional amphibious assault operations. It entails the projection of land forces substantially beyond the beachhead, independent of in-theater land bases. A seabase also needs to sustain such forces for prolonged periods  [18]  . Sea basing can be defined as: The capacity and/or capability to project rapidly sustainable military power ashore from the sea  [19]  . From the period prior to the onset of a crisis through the completion of stabilization operations, Seabasing provides scalable power projection option through sequential and concurrent integration of the five primary Seabasing lines of operation as stated below and are described as  [20]  :- Close. Rapid closure of joint force capabilities to an area of crisis. Assemble. Seamless integration of scalable joint force capabilities on and around secure sea-based assets. Employ. Flexible employment of joint force capabilities to meet mission objectives supported from the sea base. Sustain. Persistent sustainment of selected joint forces afloat and ashore, through transition to decisive combat operations ashore. Reconstitute. The capability to rapidly recover, reconstitute and redeploy joint combat capabilities within and around the manoeuvreable sea base for subsequent operations. Overview of Sea Basing  [21]   Principles of Seabasing. There are seven overarching Seabasing principles that apply across a wide range of scenarios  [22]  : Use The Sea as Manoeuvre Space. Seabasing exploits the freedom of the high seas to conduct operational manoeuvre in the maritime (includes littoral) environment relatively unconstrained by political and diplomatic restrictions, for rapid deployment and immediate employment. Sea-based operations provide an operational flexibility to support the immediate deployment/employment/sustainment of forces across the extended depth and breadth of the battlespace. Leverage Forward Presence and Joint Interdependence. Joint forces operating from the sea base, in conjunction with other globally based joint forces; provide an on-scene, credible offensive and defensive capability during the early stages of a crisis. Combined with other elements of this joint interdependent force, forward deployed joint forces can help to deter or preclude a crisis or enable the subsequent introduction of additional forces, equipment, and sustainment. Protect Joint Force Operations. Seabasing provides a large measure of inherent force protection derived from its freedom of operational manoeuvre in a maritime environment. The combined capabilities of joint platforms in multiple mediums (surface, sub-surface, and air) provide the joint forces a defensive shield both at sea and ashore. The integration of these capabilities and freedom of manoeuvre effectively degrades the enemys ability to successfully target and engage friendly forces while facilitating joint force deployment, employment, and sustainment. Provide Scalable, Responsive Joint Power Projection. Forces rapidly closing the sea base by multi-dimensional means (air, surface, and subsurface) give the ability to rapidly scale and tailor forces/capabilities to the mission. Seabasing provides an option to mass, disperse, or project joint combat power throughout the battlespace at the desired time to influence, deter, contain, or defeat an adversary. Sustain Joint Force Operations From The Sea. Sea-based logistics entails sustaining forces through an increasingly anticipatory and responsive logistics system to support forces afloat and select joint/multinational forces operating ashore. The sea base is sustained through the interface with support bases and strategic logistics pipelines enabling joint forces to remain on station, where needed, for extended periods of time. Seabasing uses selective off-load to assemble and deliver tailored sustainment packages directly to joint forces operating ashore. Expand Access Options and Reduce Dependence on Land Bases. Seabasing integrates global and sea-based power projection capabilities to provide multiple access options to complement forward basing, and reduces reliance on forward basing when the security environment dictates. This includes theater access capabilities at improved and unimproved ports and airfields. Create Uncertainty for Adversaries. Seabasing places an adversary in a dilemma through the conduct of dispersed and distributed operations. The options of multiple points and means of entry require an adversary to either disperse or concentrate his forces, creating opportunities to exploit seams and gaps in defenses. NEW EMERGING PLATFORMS MV-22 Osprey. The Bell-Boeing MV-22 Osprey is an American multi-mission, military, tiltrotor aircraft with both a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability. It is designed to combine the functionality of a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft. The MV-22 originated from the United States Department of Defense Joint-service Vertical take-off/landing Experimental (JVX) aircraft program started in 1981.  [23]   LHA-6. The USS America (LHA-6) is based upon the USS Makin Island (LHD-8) design. The USS America is a gas-turbine powered warship capable of carrying a Marine Expeditionary Brigade with the capacity for carrying many Marine helicopters, MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, and F-35B V/STOL Joint Strike Fighters. This warship is due to be delivered to the Navy in 2012. At a displacement of 45,000 tons, and carrying a complement of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, it will be able to serve in the role of a small aircraft carrier, an America-class ship will be able to operate as a flagship for an expeditionary strike group or amphibious ready group. Warships of this type may also play a key role in the Maritime Pre-Positioning Force  [24]  . Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV). The JHSV Program will provide high speed, shallow draft transportation capability to support the intra-theater manoeuvre of personnel, supplies and equipment for the U. S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Army. The JHSV program merges the previous Army Theater Support Vessel (TSV) and the Navy High Speed Connector (HSC), taking advantage of the inherent commonality between the two programs. JHSV will be capable of transporting 600 tons 1,200 nautical miles at an average speed of 35 knots. The ships will be capable of operating in shallow-draft ports and waterways, interfacing with roll-on/roll-off discharge facilities, and on/off-loading a combat-loaded Abrams Main Battle Tank (M1A2). Other joint requirements include an aviation flight deck to support day and night air vehicle launch and recovery operations.  [25]   Mobile Landing Platform (MLP). The MLP is intended to be a new class of auxiliary support ship, as part of the US Navys Maritime Prepositioning Force of the Future (MPF-F) program. Theyre intended to serve as a transfer station or floating pier at sea, improving the U.S. militarys ability to deliver equipment and cargo from ship to shore when friendly bases are denied, or simply dont exist.  [26]   LMSR. Military Sealift Commands Large, Medium-Speed, Roll-on/Roll-off ship, or LMSR, program significantly expands the US sealift capability for the new millennium. All of the LMSRs have been prime movers of U.S. military equipment during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, supporting both combat and humanitarian missions. These vessels are among the largest cargo ships in the world and can carry more than 300,000 square feet of combat cargo at speeds up to 24 knots  [27]  . CONCLUSION 27. The future of Navies lies in ability to operate in the littoral regions of the world. The Naval forces of today have to continually evolve, maintain a robust amphibious capability and develop countermeasures to the hostile anti-access capabilities manifested in the growing threat of littoral warfare. The principles of war are constantly evolving. Speed and tempo of operations along with quick response are critical to success. Joint operations and ability to synergise forces are the order of the day. Future operations will be conducted with unilateral, joint or multi-national forces and will require a ready force that can respond quickly, project power, and attack with force across the entire spectrum of conflict. New concepts such as OMFTS, STOM and Sea Basing offer todays commander a scalable, interoperable, swift and decisive means to shape the international environment. The traditional concepts of establishing beach heads and hard landing is a thing of the past. The concept is to hit the objective directly without going through the tedious process of amphibious landings. Though these concepts place a greater demand on procurement and upgradation of present force levels and equipment, it is a necessity for the future. Niladri Bose Date : Sep 10 Cdr Student Officer Effective Words 3300

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Observations Of Life :: essays research papers

INTRODUCTION I am not a psychologist by far, I have no degree in the field of psychology nor do I wish to have, I am just an everyday person that observes and analyzes the things I see. As I am writing this I am at the ripe old age of 18. To some people this may imply that I do not have any credibility in writing these things because I do not have the wisdom of age. Well, to those people I say that they should hear me out on these perceptions and continue reading, because you can not judge someone else unless you have heard their side of the story. By writing this I hope to achieve one thing and one thing only: that someone, somewhere will remember my way of seeing things. In no way do I wish to offend anyone. This is just how I see the world we live in. I believe that age has no effect on how you perceive things. If anything you just become less credible as you get older. For instance, young children have the tendency to completely tell the truth, that is until they discover how to lie. In my observations I have noticed that parents believe the younger sibling more than the older sibling. This may be because the parents favor this child more than the older one or could it be that the younger child has more credibility because the older one has been known to tell lies from time to time. If you have seen or watched kids you know that this, in most cases, is true. One thing about life that I never understood is pay role. It makes no sense at all. It seems to me that the more work you do the less you get paid and the less work you do the more you get paid for it. For example, my father started out working as a garbage disposal man. By this I mean that he was the guy hanging off the back of the garbage truck. He would work long days and the physical demand was just exhausting. Could you imagine doing this work in the biting cold of winter or the humid heat of the summer all day long? The pay was not very good. Currently he still is in the same business but I would say a lot further up the ladder than he used to be.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

How Information Literacy Influences Scholarship, Practice

Higher education is widely recognized for academic excellence; students come from all over to study in U. S. colleges and universities. At the same time colleges and universities are often criticized for their unmanageable administration, organizational incompetence, and a lack of service orientation Ruben, B (2005). To the extent that these circumstances are present within a particular institution, they contribute to the critique of higher education in general, but also more directly undermine the perceived value of faculty and staff work, weaken financial and political support, and create barriers to fulfilling the mission of the institution (Ruben, 2005) College administrations have unmanageable direction because of a generation gap. Different generations have a different way of learning. Teachers have a hard time teaching the Net Generation students how to properly to research information because the Net Gen students depend highly on the Internet and Google scholar to retrieve their information. Students lack an understanding of what constitutes good-quality scholarly information (Badke, 2009) Teachers presently let the students use their search engine for information the students in higher education are making libraries last on their list for resource information simply because they were not taught the old methods of researching in a brick and mortar library. Researchers found that current and future generations are lazy and would rather watch videos or tutorials instead of reading information found in text materials. Why did they become lazy? In the early 1990’s the World Wide Web was born and it made life and researching easier, not thinking that the information could be erroneous ( Badke, 2009). Anyone pursuing higher education will have to obtain to the thought of incorporating scholar practice of information literacy. Students lack an understanding of what constitutes good-quality scholarly information. Students have difficulty evaluating the glut of information available and depend on questionable sources. (Russell, 2009) Information competence is a basis for long-life learning competence. It is necessary in any way of learning, it makes learning needs-oriented, more self-directed. Information competence is a skill to determine the size of the necessary information; to use the necessary information effectively; to evaluate the information and its sources critically; to develop own knowledge base with the information chosen; to effectively use the information for goal achievement Ruben, B (2005). Not less important is the skill to understand, at what time some information is needed, as well as the skill to get, evaluate, and use the information effectively. Information is available at libraries, public resources, special organizations, media, the Internet, but the information received in a non-filtered way, which arouses a question about the material authenticity, validity, and quality. (Turusheva, 2009) Students will hopefully grow stronger in the use of information literacy, and then society can be exposed to higher educational opportunities such as universities, trade colleges, skill centers, or career enhancement programs. Today’s society is experiencing a need for individuals to take an interest to learn (Thrusheva, 2009). Citizens can take control of their own learning by exposing information literacy for the following reasons: students could become open to higher education and technology, students communicate in an educational setting, and students relate to the numerous students. To correct everything for the next generation must first let the Net Generation know that all the information received on the Internet is not accurate and familiarize them with how to research material other ways. Next we must show that the academic libraries will be very comfortable with the new environment. (Badke, 2009) Letting the new generation just use the Internet makes the brick and mortar libraries become more unfamiliar to them. The world is changing before our very eyes. Elementary teachers point to documents, standards, and programs for information literacy as far a few decades in the past. Students tend to trust the beginning of the Google results or lack the skills to evaluate what they have found (Badke, 2009). Secondary school students have hardly any understanding about the library systems. Google dominates the universities with Google Books and scholar. Now is the time to start to educate all students about the Internet and they need to understand it. Teachers should educate the future students about information, and to go beyond Google. Students can benefit from using more sophisticated researching techniques, so that they can go beyond the search engine (Badke, 2009). To understand Scholarship, Practitioner and Leadership Model is essential to guidance in the field of education. Recognizing and classifying strengths and weaknesses within the institutes is essential to survival. Specifically, organizational information literacy can press forward toward the next level. Expanded literacy will provide opportunities for collaboration and feedback, which will grow the organization. The SPL model works interdependently with information literacy, in that one cannot survive without the other.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Things They Carried By Vietnam Veteran Tim O Brien

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt once wrote in a letter to President Harry Truman that, â€Å"No one won the last war, and no one will win the next war.† As civilians it is hard for us to imagine the unspeakable horrors that soldiers face while on the battlefield. It is equally hard to understand how they come back home so very different than the men and women we saw off at the airport all those years ago. Many soldiers have said that they went to war as a boy and came back without a mind; even though they ‘won the war’, the costs outweighed the benefits because they have to carry all of the things they did in the war zone with them the rest of their lives. In The Things They Carried, Vietnam veteran Tim O’Brien repeatedly says that he has an intense need to write down the stories of his oversees experiences even though the memories are too painful to think about. With that in mind, this essay seeks to answer the questions: Does writing about their experience h elp soldiers cope? What about Tim O’Brien; does writing about his experiences seem to give him any sort of relief at all? Psychology majors are taught about many different diseases of the mind, one of which is PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Defined by the American Psychological Association, PTSD is â€Å"an anxiety problem that develops after extremely traumatic events, such as combat, crime, an accident, or natural disaster† (‘PTSD: National Center for PTSD’). Symptoms include intrusive memories, survivor’s guilt,Show MoreRelatedThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1169 Words   |  5 Pagesbut are set in the past and borrows things from that time period. A story that fits this genre of literature is The Things They Carried. The story is about Tim O Brien, a Vietnam veteran from the Unite States, who tells stories about what had happened when he and his team were stationed in Vietnam. He also talks about what he felt about the war when he was drafted and what he tried to do to avoid going to fight in Vietnam. The Things They Carried by Tim O Brien was precise with its portrayal of settingRead More Things They Carried Essay: Disembodiment723 Words   |  3 PagesDisembodiment in The Things They Carried  Ã‚  Ã‚   With some knowledge of war, one can begin to appreciate Tim O Briens The Things They Carried.   But when the work is viewed in its strict historical context, another layer of   meaning rises to the surface.   Tim O Brien is a veteran; as a result there are many things he takes for granted (or so we think) and does not tell us.   Americas involvement in the Vietnam war resulted from internal domestic politics rather than from the national spirit.  Read MoreEssay On The Things They Carried1629 Words   |  7 PagesThe Things They Carried, reflects the saga of drafted soldiers during the Vietnam era who were sent to the Vietnam War. The author, Tim O’Brien, describes the things that the men carry during their tour of duty. The items carried are both physical and impalpable items and what these things are is subject to the individual soldier. They carry the necessities for survival in the jungles of Vietnam as well as the personal things each soldier feels necessary to make life as comfortable as possibleRead MoreThe Things They Carried Vietnam Essay1571 Words   |  7 PagesHow Society Influences Man: Tim O Brien in Vietnam Tim O Brien s novel The Things They Carried is meant to display the effects of Vietnam on both American soldiers as well as the boys they once were. Vietnam is a society where human decency is left behind, and death is embraced as either a joke or an escape--where the horrors of reality are turned comical and exaggerated in order to keep going. Tim O Brien shows how Vietnam turns him from a boy unknowing of death, to a young man unwilling toRead MoreAnalysis Of Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried Essay1574 Words   |  7 Pages To Ban or not to Ban : The Things They Carried Host: Hello and welcome to ban or not to ban, where the nations most exciting topics are discussed between opposing parties. Today we re debating whether or not to ban â€Å"Tim O Brien s novel The Things They Carried. In this book author Tim O’Brien depicts the Vietnam conflict by distinguishing between the role of whether or not to be a civilian or a soldier. Though the book is fictional, Tim O’Brien portrays himself as a man who strugglesRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien892 Words   |  4 PagesThe Vietnam War was a long, exhausting, and traumatic experience for all of the soldiers and those who came with them. The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien illustrates the different affects the war had on a variety of people: Jacqueline Navarra Rhoads, a former nurse during the Vietnam war, demonstrates these effects within her own memoir in the book, The Forgotten Veterans. Both sources exemplify many tribulations, while sharing a common thread of suffer ing from mental unpredictability. DesensitizationRead MorePsychological Changes During Soldiers From The Vietnam War981 Words   |  4 PagesSOLDIERS FROM THE VIETNAM WAR The survival of a soldier depends on what he wears. In war, the line between life and death is thinner than ever, and often, supplies, weapons, and the equipment of a soldier is the only thing that can cause the line not to clear. But, a soldier also carries his memory, memories, amulets, ghosts of the past, and trivial objects that do not let him forget that there is another life-the life-beyond war. Soldiers of Alpha Company, who fought in Vietnam, carry everythingRead MorePsychological Changes During Soldiers From The Vietnam War1215 Words   |  5 PagesTHE VIETNAM WAR A soldier s survival in war depends on what he wears, and his life is just one step away from death. However, a soldier not only carries supplies, weapons, and equipment; a soldier also carries memories, amulets, ghosts of the past, and trivial objects that do not let him forget that there is another life beyond war. The Soldiers of Alpha Company, who fought in Vietnam, carry everything they could. And, those men and things are making their appearance in the story The Things TheyRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1407 Words   |  6 Pages       Our introduction stated that in â€Å"The Things They Carried,† author Tim O’Brien tells us not directly of the soldiers of Vietnam, or the situations they find themselves in, but about the things they carry on their shoulders and in their pockets. These â€Å"things† identify the characters and bring them to life.   I find that to be true as the author unfolds the stories about war and the uncommon things one carries in to war both inadvertently and on purpose.  Ã‚  Ã‚  As it was noted: Stories about war –Read MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1377 Words   |  6 Pagesmany veterans who would love to have it as good as we do. Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried discusses many veterans who experience the burden of shame and guilt daily due to their heroic actions taken during the Vietnam War. The book shows you how such a war can change a man before, during, and after it’s over.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As I reflect on the many conflicts America has been a part of, none can compare to the tragedies that occurred in The Vietnam war. As told in The Things They Carried (O’Brien)